Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tuesday Title

I can't think of anything witty to write as a title to this post. It's the same old stuff. I got to school a little earlier than usual. I spent time getting my lesson ready for comm. app. I have a lot of extra things I would like to get done like updating the coaching speech website and do some extra research. I'd also like more time to really plan and prepare my lesson plans. Just wishful thinking at this point. Tonight I have homework to do. My students have spent several days answering questions over the LD debate topic on plea bargaining and I need to answer the questions myself for discussion.

I stayed after school for about an hour and half working on lessons again. I came home and made dinner and now I'm trying to talk myself into actually doing my homework. Right now I'm watching Blazing Saddles on t.v. Last night I went to bed by 9:30 and I felt like I finally got enough sleep. I was awake at 5:30 but didn't get up until 6:00. I'm going to try to get to bed around the same time.

I don't have much more to share. It's just another dull day.


Mary said...

Sometimes the daily routine is dull, dull, dull. Been there - done that. Concentrate on your goal to earn an advanced degree. The dull days will only spur you onward to success. You go, girl!

Lynette said...

Just remember the times when life wasn't dull. It isn't always fun, sometimes just the opposite. Graduate school will keep you busy and may just be your needed challenge. Hang in there.

Leann said...

In regards to your pity party blog, been there done that. I'm in the exact same boat and I feel your frustration and pain. Just know you are not alone.

Andrew said...

Remember when I found you through Prison Pete? I still say it was those eyes in the picture of your profile that drew me in. Eyes of caring and concern. Of friendship. I know you think what you write is boring somedays. I think my writings are terribly boring and then will get twenty comments. It never amazes me. It is good seeing you get some comments as well. I always though you were the most undiscovered blog. Well, friend. I am throwing a pity party today. I hope your day is well and look forward to hearing from you tonight!

Jonathon Andrew