I am going to fill out this meme. I'm a little bored and just waiting for the tylenol p.m. to kick in.
1. Do you like chinese food?Yes.. but certain dishes. I make a great cashew chicken.
2. How big is your bed?Queen sized waterbed. It's big enough for me, usually 2 dogs and a cat.
3. Is your room clean?It's mostly clean. It's cleaner than the rest of the house.
4. Laptop or Desktop computer?I have both, but only use my laptop now.
5. Favorite comedian?Rita Rudner
6. Do you smoke?Absolutely not.
7. Does anyone like you?I hope so. Yes, I'm sure there's a few people that like me. I have more friends than enemies at least.
8. What’s the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice?Uh, I don't know.
10. Sleep with or without clothes on?With... usually sweats and t-shirt or something similar.
11. Who sleeps with you every night?My pets. See #2 above.
12. Do long distance relationships work?Not for me. I think you have to be able to see each other regularly to really get to know each other.
13. Pancakes or French Toast?French toast. I don't like pancakes.
14. Do you like coffee?No, but sometimes I wish I did for the caffeine.
15. How do you like your eggs?I don't like any kind of eggs. But I do like to color Easter eggs.
16. Do you believe in astrology?No
18. Last person you talked to on the phone?My aunt Barb.
19. Last person on your missed call list?On my cell phone... probably Josh. On my home phone.. some unavailable telemarketer or bill collecter.
20. What was the last text message you received?one from my student that said he'd help me paint at the school
21. McDonalds or Burger King?Either, but I prefer Wendy's
22. Number of pillows?Two.
23. Last thing you ate?Fried Ice Cream
24. Last thing you bought?Sonic drinks and food.
25. What are you hearing right now?John Michael Talbot music CD
26. Pick a lyric?"Let's do the Time Warp..."
27. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich?Raspberry preserves
28. Can you play pool?Yes, but I seem to play better the drunker I get. Not sure why.
29. Do you know how to swim?Absolutely... I love swimming.
0. Favorite ice cream?Breyer's Fried Ice Cream
31. Do you like maps?Yes, they usually help me find where I need to go.
32. Tell me a random fact:I once went to a taping of The Price is Right. I was upset that I wasn't called to "Come on Down"
33. Ever had a hard on at work?Not applicable
34. Ever attend a theme party?Yes, a toga party in college.
35. Ever do a keg stand?No. I don't like most beers that come in party kegs.
36. Craziest place you've slept after a night of drinking?On the floor of the bathroom in a hotel in Vegas after having a fight with my husband at the time.
37. What is your favorite season?Spring, I guess... except for the time change.
38. What is the first music video you ever saw?I can't remember.. but it had something to do with the letter "M" or something.
39. Pick a movie quote:
"Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And a good thing never dies. " ~The Shawshank Redemption
40. A Favorite quote:
I have several and it changes, but this is a good one:
"Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." ~ William James
41. What is your favorite Thirsty Thursday hangout?I am not sure what this means, but I guess my favorite place to drink would be Applebee's.
42. Best friend's name?Kirsten
43. How long have you known them?35 years. (And yes, I'm 36... we basically grew up together... sort of.)
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid?The t.v. show
Psych. I'm not saying it was stupid, but it made me laugh.
45. What time did you wake up this morning?Around 9:45, I think. I went to bed around 2:00 a.m.
46. Wake up next to anyone?Just my dogs
47. Best thing about winter?Snow days, time change.
48. Name a couple of favorite colors:Purple, Green, Blue
49. How old are you?36
50. What month is your birthday in?November
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated?They're o.k. I liked the first Pirates movie, but was disappointed in the second.
52. Favorite Dave Matthews Band song (if you have one?)I don't know any... guess this shows how uncool I really am.
53. What are you doing this weekend?Going to Mass.
54. Who will take this survey?Well, I would have said
Susan, but I stole it from her. Maybe
Tiffany if she finds the time.
And the fun just goes on and on!Layers....LAYER ONE:
-- Name: Jennifer (real), Annabel (online)
--Birthplace: Northern Texas Panhandle
-- Current Location: Canyon, Texas
-- Eye Color: hazel
-- Hair Color: Dark brown (with a few stray gray hairs until I yank them out)
-- Height: 5'4" if I stand up straight
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
-- Your Heritage: Heniz 57 variety with lots of German/Indian/English
-- The Shoes Worn Today: I didn't wear any shoes today because I never left the house.
-- Your Weakness: a good sale
-- Your Fears: death, flying stinging insects,
-- Your Perfect Pizza? Hand tossed, hamburger or sausage with onions
-- Goal You'd Like to Achieve: Figure out what I'm really going to be when I grow up. To grow up.
-- Your Thoughts First Waking Up: What time is it?
-- Your Bedtime: Normally around 10:30-11:00. Lately 2:00-3:00 a.m.
-- Your Most Missed Memory: Well, memories really can't be missed.. but I do miss having good, close friends to hang out with.
-- Pepsi or Coke: Coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Haven't we answered this?
-- Single or Group Dates: Any DATE!!!! I'd just like to go out on a real date.. single, group... I don't care!!!
-- Adidas or Nike: Ryka
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Doesn't matter
-- Chocolate or Vanilla: Both
-- Cappuccino or Coffee: Neither... but I do like the Chai Tea Latte from Starbucks
-- Smoke: The answer is still no. Are you trying to get me to start?
-- Cuss: Rarely any more. But yes, I still do sometimes... like when stubbing a toe or something.
-- Sing: yes, but no solos. I sing in the Church choir and in my car alone.
-- Shower Everyday: When working, yes... during the summer... if I need to or I'm going out.
-- Have a Crush: No, but wouldn't mind having one... at least it would make my blogs more interesting.
-- Want to go to College? Already did that and got a degree... but would like to get my masters.
-- Like(d) High School: Absolutely
-- Want to get Married: Yes, some day.
-- Believe in Yourself: Yes
-- Get Motion Sickness: I love rollercoasters... what do you think?
-- Think You're Attractive: I think I'm cute. I debate the attractive thing all the time.
-- Think You're a Health Freak: I know I'm not.. but should be more interested in my health... but never a freak.
-- Get Along with Your Parent(s): yes... but only have one.
-- Like Thunderstorms: I like rain and mild thunderstorms... nothing that's too close and loud.
-- Play an Instrument: Yes, clarinet.
in the past month...
-- Drank Alcohol:Yes, last night... two bloody marys.
-- Smoked: The answer is still no.
-- Done a Drug: Provera which doesn't seem to be doing much of anything, tylenol p.m., midol
-- Had Sex: Not in over a year.
-- Made Out: no
-- Gone on a Date: still wishing
-- Gone to the Mall:no
-- Eaten an Entire Box of Oreos: no
-- Been on Stage: No.
-- Been Dumped: No.. so maybe not dating is a good thing, right?
-- Gone Skating: Not in many years
-- Made Homemade Cookies: yes, made some for the 4th of July
-- Gone Skinnydipping: never
-- Dyed Your Hair: not in 3 years or so
-- Stolen Anything: no
Have you ever...
-- Played a Game that Required Removal of Clothing: Yes, I think so... probably drunk at the time.
-- If so, was it Mixed Company: I can't remember
-- Been Trashed or Extremely Intoxicated: Yes, unfortunately
-- Been Caught "Doing Something": Well... depends on what you mean by that. I'd have to say no.
-- Been Called a Tease: Yes
-- Age You Hope to be Married: Maybe before I'm 40.
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 1, Josh, 15 yrs.
-- Describe Your Dream Wedding: Simple, in the Catholic Church, with a great reception
-- What do youWant to be When You Grow Up: Maybe a librarian
-- What Country Would You Most Like to Visit: Italy
in a guy: (I changed this for myself... you can change the sex if you answer this very long meme)
-- Best Eye Color? brown
-- Best Hair Color? Dark brown or black
-- Short or Long hair: whatever as long as it's neat and looks good. (Some men don't look good in long hair)
-- Height: taller than me.. but not too tall
-- Best Articles of Clothing: jeans
-- Best First Date Location: Outback
-- Best First Kiss Location: on the lips if the attraction is there
-- # Of Drugs Taken Illegally: 1 but nothing happened.
-- # Of People I Could Trust With My Life: not sure
-- # Of CDs That I Own: Probably 150 or so
-- # Of Piercings: Just my ears
-- # Of Tattoos: one, but want another one
-- # Of Scars on my Body: probably between 5-10
Last Person Who...
-- Slept in Your Bed? Me... as far as someone else... Brian.
-- Saw You Cry? Everybody at my son's father's funeral
-- Made You Cry? Marty
-- Spent the Night at Your House? My aunt and uncle
-- You Shared a Drink With? Kirsten
-- You Went to the Movies With? Josh, his friend, and Kirsten
-- You Went to the Mall With? Josh
-- Yelled at You? janitors at the school
-- Sent You an Email? besides the spam? My former boss (if you don't count email notifications for blog comments... if so, then Summer)
Have You Ever...
-- Said "I love you"? Yes
-- Been to New York? No, but I want to.
-- Been to Georgia? yes, went to Atlanta for a work convention
-- California? Yes, San Diego and L.A.
-- Hawaii? No
-- Mexico? Yes, Matamoras
-- China? No
-- Canada? No, but close.
--The United Kingdom? No.
-- Danced Naked? Only in front of my husband or a boyfriend.
-- Dreamed something really crazy and then happened the next day? Not exactly, but I've had intuitions or thoughts about things and then they happened.
-- Stalked Someone? No
Pick One...
-- Apples or Bananas? Apples
-- Red or Blue? Blue
-- Walmart or Kmart? Walmart
-- Math or English? English.
-- Radio or CD? CD
-- Drawing or Painting? painting
-- High school or College? Different experiences, but I enjoyed both.