Saturday, June 16, 2007

I'm off - and the chase continues

I will be leaving in about 10 minutes to drive to Hereford and then up to Amarillo and then off to see the Wizard! O.k. maybe just the Wizard of Oz museum along the way. We hope to get into Wichita some time this evening. People were kind of shocked when I told them we were driving but they don't realize that it's actually a shorter trip to Wichita than it is to Austin. I'm going to leave you with a continued excerpt from my writing in 1985.

  • I was happy with Michael and I thought that I really liked him but I was wrong. I only liked him for about two weeks and then I just acted like I liked him. I was still in love with Bret but I didn’t want to break up. I know that I was being a jerk and I shouldn’t have said yes in the first place. I was just a nice person and I didn’t want anybody to get mad a me. (I still don't like it when people are mad at me.) Finally I decided to flirt with Bret and then Michael might break so I wouldn’t have to. My idea worked but I denied liking Bret because I still didn’t want Michael mad at me. Michael started hating me so I decided to forget it and just chase after Bret like I had planned. (I have since discovered that in junior high... guys don't like to be chased and but it's a little different in adulthood... some guys do and others still don't - boys are still confusing.) I liked him and he knew it and the whole school practically knew it but I wasn’t embarrassed like I used to be. I got really mad when April B. came into the picture. She flirted with Bret every time she saw him and I just wanted to punch her lights out. She knew that I was in love with him but she just kept butting in. She wouldn’t admit it but I think that she really liked him. If he would have liked her, I would hate him for life. (Don't you love the exaggeration?) I couldn’t believe it but I asked Bret if he would go to the “Showcase” with me and he went. (I have either gone to Showcase or participated in it since this time other than about 3 years. Last year was the first year that I could not attend.) I considered it a date but I don’t know what he thought. Everybody told me that he was going to ask me and I thought he would but I was wrong! I got my hopes up but I shouldn’t have. One night when I went to bed, I was thinking about Bret as usual. I was wondering what I would do if Bret moved. It really freaked me out the next day when Shelby told me that he was moving. I was really upset. I wouldn’t smile for two weeks but then I figured that I can’t have what I want. When school was out I tried to forget about Bret but I couldn’t. I thought that I’d never find somebody to chase after.

1 comment:

Susanlee said...

This has nothing to do with your post, although I like reading the ones from your old journals, but I really really like your new layout with the rollercoaster. It looks great :)