Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Magazine Meme

I still can't sleep. I took a benadryl and nothing is happening. This is frustrating. But that means you get to read more meaningless posts!

1. Do you currently subscribe to any magazines? If so, which ones?
Not at this time.

2. What magazines have you subscribed to in the past?
Reader's Digest, Rollercoaster (received it as a member of ACE), Woman's Day, McCall's, and Games Magazine are the ones I can remember at the moment. I used to get a kid's Disney magazine for Josh at one point.

3. What do you do with the little cards that always fall out of the magazine? Do you toss them, or have you found a use for them?
Rip them out and throw them away. They are very annoying.

4. If you could start a magazine, what would it be about? Who or what would be on the cover of the first issue?
Home repair and decorating for the single girl on a budget. Ty Pennington would be on the cover half naked. Or maybe Amy Wynn Pastor. (or any of the trading spaces carpenters)

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