Sunday, June 10, 2007

Time to really get busy

I have many things I want to accomplish tomorrow. First, I want to finish the bureau and get it in place. I think I'll wait before really getting into setting up/cleaning the craft room until after I get back from Nationals in order to give the paint time to cure so things won't stick to it when I put stuff in or on it. I think what I'm going to do next is focus on the kitchen. Although I'd really like to rip out the tile in there, I know I can't yet. I am, however, going to clean out cabinets and move things around. I'm now more aware of the pots and pans etc. that I use most often and so I'm going to move those things to be more accessible. That will be my focus tomorrow after I finish the bureau. It is basically done other than the detail painting and a second coat on the back of the two small doors. I'm going to try to make myself get up somewhat early and get an early start on everything rather than sleeping the morning away.

Tonight I went to a dinner at one of the church member's house. It was very nice. I found out that one of the ladies in the class is actually a very close neighbor. I was almost ashamed that she now knows where I live because our yard is so disgusting right now. Oh well... it's the life of a single mom with a son that is (usually) as busy as I am and a lawn mower that works when it wants to. I made a pineapple upside down cake for dessert and it seemed to be a pretty good hit. I only brought a small portion home which is good because then I don't have to eat so much of it! I'm going to try to start watching what I eat and start getting more exercise this summer. My new neighbor friend said she'd be interested in going walking with me some time.

My dad called about Josh's car. It's not good news, but not completing devastating either. It was the timing belt that broke and with that, some of the valves were bent which is not good. He either wants to get a used engine to put in it or possibly rebuild the one that is in it now. He hasn't decided, but I told him to start figuring it out now because Josh will need a car at least when school starts in August. He said it would probably cost $500-600 to fix and that's because he, my brother and their mechanic friend can do all the work. Well... there goes the money I was planning to use for some furniture. I'm still going to try to take my vacation this summer... but I may have to simplify it some. Luckily I'm still expecting the bonus money from school and my principal is trying to get it to us in June. I hope it comes in either June or July and not have to wait until August or September.

I think I'm going to go up to Hereford on Tuesday for a bit and try to get some books to one of my students. I also need to pick up the checks for the meal money and hotel. I am going back to the school on Thursday and Friday to work with my students and then we leave Saturday. Josh will take me on Saturday and drop me off so that he can have the car while I'm gone.

Well, I'm going to try to get some sleep and we'll see how my work day goes tomorrow.

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